
Thursday, March 17, 2011

E-shoot Sunday :)

This past Sunday, Tyler and I got to do that fun thing that many engaged couples do before their wedding- Brides look forward to it and grooms despise it...... Engagement pictures!!

On Sunday, we drove to Henry Co. to my friend Leslie's house... Well, actually her parent's house (Leslie and her husband, Mark, have a gorgeous home up here in Atlanta). Anyways.. we went to Henry Co. so Leslie's dad could take our engagement pictures.

Leslie did some brainstorming with her parents and they decided we should go take our pictures at Heritage Park- a small park in Henry Co. that has several cool buildings, old barns, bridges, etc. It was the PERFECT place to have a variety of really awesome backgrounds and scenes.

So we started taking pictures and at first it was somewhat awkward, but after a while it got easier-- well, for me at least. After about 10 pictures, it started to become a very painful process for Tyler. But as I kept reminding him, this is nothing compared to our wedding day. Plus, when we get married he will be in a suit which will make it 10x more uncomfortable!

Anyways, they went well and we had fun. Leslie is now hard at work (LOVE YOU LESLIE)editing the pictures and making them beautiful. I can't wait to see them!

Leslie did post this picture on facebook to show off her dad's huge Mac desktop, but if you pay attention, there are some pretty cute and familiar people on the screen :)

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