
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Confusing title?

So you ask yourself why did I name this blog Watch out for the forks? Well, as Tyler and I have began this whole wedding process we have gotten a ton of tips and advice from friends and families about marriage. But there is one piece of advice that caught our attention...Watch out for the forks... Forks? Really? There are several different styles and shapes but ... forks? Apparently choosing which forks to register for is one of those tough decisions that couples don't expect to encounter and that can end up causing a fight. It seems like odd advice but I guess if you take it and apply it to everything in life it makes sense. Marriage doesn't always involve making big, life-changing decisions together, but sometimes it is just paying attention to the details and listening to one another... Hmm. Forks.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think Chris and I actually fought over the forks, but I do recall that it took well over an hour to pick between the selections at Macy's. Now, the popcorn maker he wanted to register for was a whole different story....
