
Monday, May 2, 2011

Flatware and China and Stemware, oh my!

I have definitely realized that picking out your china pattern as a bride-to-be is not something that is particularly easy. First of all, everyone around you has a different opinion about Fine China... Some people say, "Don't get it. You will never use it. Money wasted." While others say, "You have to register for China! It is your wedding!!! What will you use if you have a fancy dinner?!? It's tradition!"

With the opinions of everyone else floating around, I finally figured out what I wanted. I want china. No, I don't expect to have collected a full set of china by the time we get married. This is something I want to start collecting now and then grow my collection over the many, many years of marriage to come.

I have always loved my parent's china and getting to pull it out of the china cabinet and use it on special occasions just makes those occasions feel even more special... birthdays, Mother's Day, Father's Day, nice dinners, etc. I also like to entertain and I hope to be able to use this china for many dinner parties in the future.

So now that I have decided that I do want fine china, I have to decide which pattern I want to collect. Not only do I have to pick a china pattern, but a stemware and flatware pattern, as well. If you know me at all, you would know that I do not like to make decisions. Especially decisions I have to live with for a long time. This is why I could never get a tattoo... too final. I would change my mind the next day that I wanted something different. Soooo, this was a big decision for me because let's face it.... I'm probably going to have this china for the rest of my life.

After many hours spent online and numerous lunch visits to Macy's, I finally found a pattern that suits me. Lenox Pearl Platinum. Many, many thanks to Debrah from Macy's and her patience and helpful attitude last week. She helped me build a place setting that I really like. Here is a peek:

One side note, the accent plate in the place setting photo is not the actual accent plate that goes
with the pattern but is the single plate above.

Vera Wang Fidelity Stemware... really only want the iced beverage and a wine glass... and Wedgwood Knightsbridge Flatware.

Simple, elegant, and timeless in my book. Hopefully, I will still feel that way when it is sitting on my table in many years to come!

1 comment:

  1. Looks good, Em! You're right, classic and simple and elegant. Very nice. :)
