
Sunday, May 15, 2011

132 days and counting.

Yesterday was a day devoted to wedding planning... And a successful one at that!

Our day began at I do, I do in Athens, GA where I met my parents and Tyler left to go run an errand while I had my FIRST DRESS FITTING!! It was crazy to see it hanging in the dressing room and knowing that it is mine! The best part is that it fit.... perfectly! A little hemming at the bottom and the adding of a bustle and we are ready to walk down the aisle. My parents (both of them) even teared up a bit so I knew the dress was a success.

Now, the small decisions. Which jewelry? Which shoes? Wear something in my hair? How to do my makeup? Hair up? Down? ... Hmm. A little more thinking to do.

After my dress was back on the hanger and hidden in the back room of I do, I do, Tyler made his way back to the bridal store so we could pick out the vest and tie for his suit and his groomsmen. My dad even got to pick out his own special tie and vest since let's face it, he has an important job!

Everyone leaving happy (even my mom who got some ideas for her wedding day ensemble), we made our way to the Georgian Hotel to meet Andre, our wedding coordinator from Trumps. We went over what we would like for our menu and were able to switch out which items we liked best from the tasting. As advertised and promised, Lobster Mac & Cheese will be making an appearance at our wedding reception. We even found out that they use real lobster and not imitation. Yumm..

We also went over the logistics for setting up the room and decorations, etc. Everything went extremely smoothly except one small hiccup involving the sparklers for the end of the night. Yes, spoiler alert- we will be leaving the reception with sparklers. They just make for such pretty pictures when it is dark outside.

Photo courtesy of Christopher Helm (our photographer)

The hiccup was that Trumps does not allow sparklers to be used at the Georgian location. Uh oh. This is because there have been two weddings in the past where people have lit them inside the building causing the smoke alarm to go off and all of the people that live in the apartments above the ballroom to come downstairs. Obviously, they were not happy. So to make everyone happy, we agreed that the sparklers will never enter the building but will be handed to people as they walk out the door with the instructions to not light them until the Georgian doors are shut. I will have people in charge of making sure that the doors are shut and that no sparklers or smoke enter that building. Here is a plea to anyone that is invited to the wedding, PLEASE help us out by making sure you are away from the doors before lighting the sparklers and don't light them until told to do so, that way we can get a cool walking out picture :)

Other wedding activities included booking the Bridesmaid luncheon at one of my absolute favorite places in Athens and going by the Gameday Center to get a count on how many rooms we have and to book the shuttle for wedding guests.

All in all, it was a very productive day. Everything is falling into place better than I ever could of imagined and I am getting very excited! We even had a productive planning day last weekend while we were in Jasper and got the ceremony lined up :) It will be a very special service!

Can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so so so excited! I really can't wait. I think I might get a little teary-eyed just thinking about you in that dress. :)
    And I PINKY PROMISE (serious business) not to light my sparkler at an inappropriate time or location.
