
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A tribute to Riley.

As I'm sure all of you already know, Tyler and I are obsessed with our dog Riley. You can definitely say that she is more than just a dog, but is considered to be our first child. We love her more than anything in the world and she brings so much love and joy to our lives.

So let me tell you a little bit more about Riley...

Birthday: November 11, 2009
Breed: Cocker Spaniel & Golden Retriever mix
Weight: She was about 5 lbs when we got her at 6 weeks but she has grown to an impressive 28lbs.
Hair: Golden
Eyes: Golden hazel- they are gorgeous.
Food of choice: Lamb
Favorite treat: Frosty paw- Yes, ice cream for a dog. OR a rawhide bone. She only gets these once in a blue moon because they are very messy and sometimes can get harsh on her sensitive tummy.
Favorite word: Mango Salsa! We have no idea why she gets so excited when we say this or what she thinks it means but she goes nuts when we say it.
Best friend: Tressie VanGorder. Riley loves to play with her friend Tressie.
Boyfriend: Bo Sills. They like to send love letters to each other via their mom's cell phones. Not quite old enough to get their own cell phones yet.
Favorite human food: Popcorn. Loves it!
Fears: Clicky pens and fireplace lighter.
Favorite thing to do: Sleep. No seriously, she loves to nap.
Funniest thing she does: Grunts. If she is sleeping and you try to move her, she gets grumpy and grunts at you.

So why a tribute to Riley? Well..... she had her first haircut today!!

As a mix of a golden retriever and cocker spaniel, Riley has a lot of hair. For the most part, her hair is similar to a golden retriever but it also has some curl to it like a cocker spaniel. Today, we took her to Bed and Bark and she had a day of pampering. Tyler and I were nervous to get her hair cut but it was desperately needed. Plus, she will feel much better in the hot summer weather that is coming in the next weeks.

Here is a before and after:

It's hard to see the difference in pictures but you can really tell in person. I think it makes her look like a puppy again. Kind of like the pictures below- the left one was the day we got her and the right was from today. Love this dog!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Just recently heard about this combo, and think they are ADORABLE! How large do they grow to be, and do they shed?
    P.S. Tots get why you are obsessed with your cutie, Riley! :-D
