
Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I originally started this blog after seeing another Bride-to-be's blog about her wedding planning process. Thinking it was a really cute idea and a great way to channel some creativity, I began writing and revealing some of the monumental decisions, ideas, and adventures that my family and I are taking to get me down the aisle to Tyler.

But besides writing, I am also researching. Each day I look for other interesting blogs and creative outlets that people have posted online. Many of them being home improvement or decorating blogs, I love to see how they set up their site and tell the various stories of their lives. It is a great way to get ideas and inspiration for household projects, family gatherings, recipes, and really anything that life throws at you. I must admit that my blog so far is a little bland- I would love to revamp the look of the blog, as well as provide some more useful tips and ideas. But let's all remember, I am only a beginner at this and my creative switch is only about 1/4 of the way on so far.

Check out some of my favorite daily reads and maybe you will learn something, get some ideas, or just enjoy looking at the amazing things people come up with when they tap into their creative side.

#1- Young House Love - This is my absolute favorite blog. I love their posts about the renovations of their house and the growing of their family. Each post is written as a story and a detailed step by step account of their projects. Definitely recommend this blog.

#2- Pioneer Woman - This is a great blog that I recently discovered when looking for recipes. She is a country woman who cooks and shares her recipes and ideas with her online audience. I plan on making one of her Asparagus recipes tonight :)

#3- Nesting Place - This blog has great ideas for decorating your house, office, or pretty much anything that can be decorated. Her motto- "“It doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful”. Isn't that the truth!

#4- The Beauty Department - This blog was actually co-created by Lauren Conrad, Laguna Beach and The Hills star, and is a blog dedicated to hair, makeup, skin, nails, and the latest trends that are going around. Great place to get advice about how to curl your hair or do a smoky eye.

#5- A Beautiful Mess - This blog is written by a creative mastermind, Elsie Flannigan. It is dedicated to talking about fashion, homemade items, and just pretty things in general. Elsie has written this blog for several years and has become successful on the shopping site, Etsy. Reading her blog just makes you think outside of the box.

#6 Red Velvet Art - This blog is also written by Elsie Flannigan as well as three other of her crafty friends. They took their talents and created a shoppe called Red Velvet. They use their blog to talk about the shoppe and share ideas, tutorials, and other cool things they come across.

#7 Don't Warn the Tadpoles - This blog is written by one of my favorite people in the whole world and one of my main inspirations to start a blog- my sister Katie Wilson! Katie has always been super crafty and talented with all things creative so naturally she put that into a blog. Love keeping up with her and my brother's life online :)

I must admit that these blogs really make me want a house of my (our) own so I can try out some of these creative projects that I keep reading about. Apartment life just does not provide the space and the freedom that I need to fully express myself creatively. Sigh. Things to look forward to in the coming years! :)

And as an encore to Riley... Look at this muffin!

1 comment:

  1. Well, now I feel just awful that I haven't made a post since March! But thanks for the plug anyway! And PS... love your new background and banner! Simple, elegant and very pretty!
