
Saturday, September 17, 2011

One week away!!!!

Only one week left until we say I do!

We are sooo excited and can't wait for next weekend and the following week in Jamaica.

Obviously (as shown by my lack of blogging), we have been very, very busy. I actually started a new job on August 1st and while I am loving what I am doing, it is keeping me hopping. So many apologies for my slacking on the updates.

Things are going really well. I have gotten so much done in the past few weeks and really only have a few small details left. It feels nice.

Our apartment has turned into wedding central. We have one area designated to presents, one designated to things for the wedding/reception, and one with our suitcases for the honeymoon.

All of our showers and parties are over except the rehearsal dinner and wedding day. We are still amazed at how blessed we are to have such a great and giving support system. We had a shower in Elberton, Washington, Atlanta, North Carolina (Campmeeting), and I had a small one at my office. We also had really fun bachelor and bachelorette parties in Athens and Lake Russell and to top it off, a lovely Bridesmaid Luncheon at Last Resort :) Yumm....

The flowers are from the shower at my office.. I have only been there for 6 weeks but they gave me the sweetest little shower ever! Hopefully, I can post more pictures from the showers once all the people who took pictures send me copies (ahem.... hint, hint).

The past year has been amazing and now only a few more days left to wait... :) I've got to start practicing my new signature! I'll make sure to post some pictures following the wedding and honeymoon :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Two months to go...

I can't believe there are only two months left until the wedding... Crazy! I apologize that I have been doing a terrible job updating the blog and keeping you in the loop of the wedding planning process, but I have been busy. Since my last post, I've had two amazing showers, gone on a trip to Savannah/Tybee Island, printed, assembled, and mailed invitations, purchased several wedding accessories, met with the music director at the church, and gotten a new job!! So, I have been busy, but a very good busy!!

Here are some pics of my (our) adventures....

Three of the pictures above are from my shower in Elberton and the one of the cake is from the Around the House shower in Atlanta. Leslie's mom made the cake- AMAZING!

We had SO much fun in Savannah and then in Tybee Island with Tyler's family. It was such a nice way to celebrate the 4th of July! And no, we didn't actually visit the Savannah Wedding Chapel...We just thought it would be a funny prank for our parents!

A big task that was completed over the past few weeks was sending out the invitations. They were designed by Leslie and she did a fantastic job!

The flowers were a gift from Tyler to celebrate my new job! I start August 1st and am soo excited, but this also means that the next two months will be extra busy!

I actually got some wedding projects done this weekend. Ran some errands, made some purchases, and did a little crafting!!

Our unity candle set!! I plan on keeping the center candle as decor in our house :)
Liquid chalk!! So much easier to write with and doesn't make a mess! This could be making an appearance at the reception :) I painted the wooden border black to make it look a little nicer.

This is another project that is in the works.... But you will have to wait to find out what it is going to be used for...

That is all for now! Another post to come soon :)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ta da!

Now that the save the dates have been sent out and received by our guests, I can reveal the amazing creation of my very talented bridesmaid, Leslie. She is actually also designing the invitations and possibly the rehearsal dinner invites. So get excited. She is the best!

The stationary process began with a brainstorming session where Leslie and I went through several popular stationary websites and picked out styles that we really liked or ones that were way off from what I had envisioned to put in the "No" pile. Here are some of our favorite sites that we used:

From there, Leslie took those examples and started creating mock ups. I decided that I liked save the dates made up of only one pictures as opposed to a college of several different shots. This worked perfectly with our plan of printing the stationary through a photo lab to save money. Instead of ordering prints from a website or taking Leslie's design to kinkos to be printed, we decided to that printing the save the dates as a 4x6 photo would be cheaper. And it definitely was!

Most websites charge $1.09 per save the date card on the low end which doesn't include postage or labels. We were able to print the Save the Dates for $0.19 a piece and then buy generic envelopes from Staples, use our return address stamp, and print our own sticker labels for pretty cheap. The most costly part of the whole process was the postage. Adding up all of the cost, we were able to keep the total cost wayyyy under what it would of been using a traditional stationary website. Yay us!!

So, what was the end result? Drum roll please......

Beautiful!! Many, many thanks to Leslie for all of her hard work. Can't wait to share the invitations in a few months!

On another note, we got our first wedding present a few weeks ago. For my birthday, my parents decided they wanted to give us our first place setting of our fine china. I was so excited! It is so pretty and it really just opened my eyes to realize that this wedding is happening. Crazy! Can't wait for all of the festivities to unfold. Many thanks to everyone helping and involved!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I originally started this blog after seeing another Bride-to-be's blog about her wedding planning process. Thinking it was a really cute idea and a great way to channel some creativity, I began writing and revealing some of the monumental decisions, ideas, and adventures that my family and I are taking to get me down the aisle to Tyler.

But besides writing, I am also researching. Each day I look for other interesting blogs and creative outlets that people have posted online. Many of them being home improvement or decorating blogs, I love to see how they set up their site and tell the various stories of their lives. It is a great way to get ideas and inspiration for household projects, family gatherings, recipes, and really anything that life throws at you. I must admit that my blog so far is a little bland- I would love to revamp the look of the blog, as well as provide some more useful tips and ideas. But let's all remember, I am only a beginner at this and my creative switch is only about 1/4 of the way on so far.

Check out some of my favorite daily reads and maybe you will learn something, get some ideas, or just enjoy looking at the amazing things people come up with when they tap into their creative side.

#1- Young House Love - This is my absolute favorite blog. I love their posts about the renovations of their house and the growing of their family. Each post is written as a story and a detailed step by step account of their projects. Definitely recommend this blog.

#2- Pioneer Woman - This is a great blog that I recently discovered when looking for recipes. She is a country woman who cooks and shares her recipes and ideas with her online audience. I plan on making one of her Asparagus recipes tonight :)

#3- Nesting Place - This blog has great ideas for decorating your house, office, or pretty much anything that can be decorated. Her motto- "“It doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful”. Isn't that the truth!

#4- The Beauty Department - This blog was actually co-created by Lauren Conrad, Laguna Beach and The Hills star, and is a blog dedicated to hair, makeup, skin, nails, and the latest trends that are going around. Great place to get advice about how to curl your hair or do a smoky eye.

#5- A Beautiful Mess - This blog is written by a creative mastermind, Elsie Flannigan. It is dedicated to talking about fashion, homemade items, and just pretty things in general. Elsie has written this blog for several years and has become successful on the shopping site, Etsy. Reading her blog just makes you think outside of the box.

#6 Red Velvet Art - This blog is also written by Elsie Flannigan as well as three other of her crafty friends. They took their talents and created a shoppe called Red Velvet. They use their blog to talk about the shoppe and share ideas, tutorials, and other cool things they come across.

#7 Don't Warn the Tadpoles - This blog is written by one of my favorite people in the whole world and one of my main inspirations to start a blog- my sister Katie Wilson! Katie has always been super crafty and talented with all things creative so naturally she put that into a blog. Love keeping up with her and my brother's life online :)

I must admit that these blogs really make me want a house of my (our) own so I can try out some of these creative projects that I keep reading about. Apartment life just does not provide the space and the freedom that I need to fully express myself creatively. Sigh. Things to look forward to in the coming years! :)

And as an encore to Riley... Look at this muffin!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A tribute to Riley.

As I'm sure all of you already know, Tyler and I are obsessed with our dog Riley. You can definitely say that she is more than just a dog, but is considered to be our first child. We love her more than anything in the world and she brings so much love and joy to our lives.

So let me tell you a little bit more about Riley...

Birthday: November 11, 2009
Breed: Cocker Spaniel & Golden Retriever mix
Weight: She was about 5 lbs when we got her at 6 weeks but she has grown to an impressive 28lbs.
Hair: Golden
Eyes: Golden hazel- they are gorgeous.
Food of choice: Lamb
Favorite treat: Frosty paw- Yes, ice cream for a dog. OR a rawhide bone. She only gets these once in a blue moon because they are very messy and sometimes can get harsh on her sensitive tummy.
Favorite word: Mango Salsa! We have no idea why she gets so excited when we say this or what she thinks it means but she goes nuts when we say it.
Best friend: Tressie VanGorder. Riley loves to play with her friend Tressie.
Boyfriend: Bo Sills. They like to send love letters to each other via their mom's cell phones. Not quite old enough to get their own cell phones yet.
Favorite human food: Popcorn. Loves it!
Fears: Clicky pens and fireplace lighter.
Favorite thing to do: Sleep. No seriously, she loves to nap.
Funniest thing she does: Grunts. If she is sleeping and you try to move her, she gets grumpy and grunts at you.

So why a tribute to Riley? Well..... she had her first haircut today!!

As a mix of a golden retriever and cocker spaniel, Riley has a lot of hair. For the most part, her hair is similar to a golden retriever but it also has some curl to it like a cocker spaniel. Today, we took her to Bed and Bark and she had a day of pampering. Tyler and I were nervous to get her hair cut but it was desperately needed. Plus, she will feel much better in the hot summer weather that is coming in the next weeks.

Here is a before and after:

It's hard to see the difference in pictures but you can really tell in person. I think it makes her look like a puppy again. Kind of like the pictures below- the left one was the day we got her and the right was from today. Love this dog!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

132 days and counting.

Yesterday was a day devoted to wedding planning... And a successful one at that!

Our day began at I do, I do in Athens, GA where I met my parents and Tyler left to go run an errand while I had my FIRST DRESS FITTING!! It was crazy to see it hanging in the dressing room and knowing that it is mine! The best part is that it fit.... perfectly! A little hemming at the bottom and the adding of a bustle and we are ready to walk down the aisle. My parents (both of them) even teared up a bit so I knew the dress was a success.

Now, the small decisions. Which jewelry? Which shoes? Wear something in my hair? How to do my makeup? Hair up? Down? ... Hmm. A little more thinking to do.

After my dress was back on the hanger and hidden in the back room of I do, I do, Tyler made his way back to the bridal store so we could pick out the vest and tie for his suit and his groomsmen. My dad even got to pick out his own special tie and vest since let's face it, he has an important job!

Everyone leaving happy (even my mom who got some ideas for her wedding day ensemble), we made our way to the Georgian Hotel to meet Andre, our wedding coordinator from Trumps. We went over what we would like for our menu and were able to switch out which items we liked best from the tasting. As advertised and promised, Lobster Mac & Cheese will be making an appearance at our wedding reception. We even found out that they use real lobster and not imitation. Yumm..

We also went over the logistics for setting up the room and decorations, etc. Everything went extremely smoothly except one small hiccup involving the sparklers for the end of the night. Yes, spoiler alert- we will be leaving the reception with sparklers. They just make for such pretty pictures when it is dark outside.

Photo courtesy of Christopher Helm (our photographer)

The hiccup was that Trumps does not allow sparklers to be used at the Georgian location. Uh oh. This is because there have been two weddings in the past where people have lit them inside the building causing the smoke alarm to go off and all of the people that live in the apartments above the ballroom to come downstairs. Obviously, they were not happy. So to make everyone happy, we agreed that the sparklers will never enter the building but will be handed to people as they walk out the door with the instructions to not light them until the Georgian doors are shut. I will have people in charge of making sure that the doors are shut and that no sparklers or smoke enter that building. Here is a plea to anyone that is invited to the wedding, PLEASE help us out by making sure you are away from the doors before lighting the sparklers and don't light them until told to do so, that way we can get a cool walking out picture :)

Other wedding activities included booking the Bridesmaid luncheon at one of my absolute favorite places in Athens and going by the Gameday Center to get a count on how many rooms we have and to book the shuttle for wedding guests.

All in all, it was a very productive day. Everything is falling into place better than I ever could of imagined and I am getting very excited! We even had a productive planning day last weekend while we were in Jasper and got the ceremony lined up :) It will be a very special service!

Can't wait!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Flatware and China and Stemware, oh my!

I have definitely realized that picking out your china pattern as a bride-to-be is not something that is particularly easy. First of all, everyone around you has a different opinion about Fine China... Some people say, "Don't get it. You will never use it. Money wasted." While others say, "You have to register for China! It is your wedding!!! What will you use if you have a fancy dinner?!? It's tradition!"

With the opinions of everyone else floating around, I finally figured out what I wanted. I want china. No, I don't expect to have collected a full set of china by the time we get married. This is something I want to start collecting now and then grow my collection over the many, many years of marriage to come.

I have always loved my parent's china and getting to pull it out of the china cabinet and use it on special occasions just makes those occasions feel even more special... birthdays, Mother's Day, Father's Day, nice dinners, etc. I also like to entertain and I hope to be able to use this china for many dinner parties in the future.

So now that I have decided that I do want fine china, I have to decide which pattern I want to collect. Not only do I have to pick a china pattern, but a stemware and flatware pattern, as well. If you know me at all, you would know that I do not like to make decisions. Especially decisions I have to live with for a long time. This is why I could never get a tattoo... too final. I would change my mind the next day that I wanted something different. Soooo, this was a big decision for me because let's face it.... I'm probably going to have this china for the rest of my life.

After many hours spent online and numerous lunch visits to Macy's, I finally found a pattern that suits me. Lenox Pearl Platinum. Many, many thanks to Debrah from Macy's and her patience and helpful attitude last week. She helped me build a place setting that I really like. Here is a peek:

One side note, the accent plate in the place setting photo is not the actual accent plate that goes
with the pattern but is the single plate above.

Vera Wang Fidelity Stemware... really only want the iced beverage and a wine glass... and Wedgwood Knightsbridge Flatware.

Simple, elegant, and timeless in my book. Hopefully, I will still feel that way when it is sitting on my table in many years to come!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Save. The. Date.

Save the Dates are in the mail! They have been stamped, stuffed, sealed, labeled, and dropped in the out-going mailbox at our apartment complex. Hopefully, they arrive safe and sound at all of their chosen destinations sometime this week!!

It was definitely nice to check this task off of the list, but I must confess that as I was dropping the envelopes in the mail, my heart did a little flutter and my stomach did a minor flip. This wedding is happening! Ahhh! Don't get me wrong, I love Tyler and there is nothing I want more in the world than to marry him. But there are still times when I feel like I am 12 years old and marriage seems like something far out of the grasp of my little 12 year old fingers. However, I am not 12. I will be 24 next month and a husband is coming my way this September ready or not. (99.9% ready!)

So, Sunday night my coffee table was cleared off of all the normal junk and turned into Save the Date central. I worked on assembling them as Tyler and I watched Country Strong. Tyler even came over to the couch to help out for a minute!

Be on the lookout for a Save the Date coming your way! And if you don't have one coming your way, I'm sorry. Guest lists are really hard. Don't take it personally. We really did want to invite you but we are limited on numbers. I'm sure you understand this if you have ever planned a wedding! I promise we like you!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Engagement Pictures

The engagement pictures are finished!! I got the disc from Leslie this week as well as the Save the Dates. I'm so excited!! They really look great and I am so appreciative of the whole Emanuele/Thompson family for all of their help and hard work with these.

If you would like to see all of the pictures, there is a link on the sidebar to the pictures. You will have to make a log-in on the Walgreens site to view them.

I also printed all of the pictures tonight and put them in a photo album for the coffee table :) This will be the first of many coffee table photo albums to come for the Bessingers! Can't wait.

This weekend I will also be assembling the Save the Dates and getting them ready to mail on Monday. I can't post a preview of them yet because they haven't been mailed but I promise to post one later! Enjoy!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Stamps, stamps, and more stamps.

We are currently in the stationary stage of this whole wedding process and while my wonderful friend and bridesmaid, Leslie, is designing my save the dates and invitations, I am working to figure out the details like postage, envelopes, and address labels.

Of course, I do not want to take the time to address a million invitations and write our return address on all of them. SO I have been researching alternative methods for getting this stationary put together....

#1- Hire a calligrapher.
While this would be nice and make the invitations look great, paying a calligrapher to write for us is just not in the budget. Strike out this option.

#2- Order invitations that have address printed on them.
Like I said, Leslie is designing the invitations so I don't think this is an option. Plus, it would probably be a lot of work and more money to pay someone to print them. Strike two.

#3- Print addresses on labels.
Ding, Ding, Ding! We have a winner. Right now, we have already printed out the addresses on the labels for the save the dates and all we have to do is stick them on the envelope once we get them stuffed and ready to go.

#4- Buy a return address stamp.
SO FUN! I was really excited when I came across this online and when I found out that personalized stamps are affordable. Here are a bunch of options I found on Etsy. These are all designs by lovetocreatestamps

I really wanted to get the first circular option with the Last Name in the middle but as my mom pointed out, we are not the Bessingers yet. Sad day. BUT once we say I do, I will be placing an order for a "Bessinger" stamp :)

Since we couldn't get a stamp that had a last name on it, I settled for the one below. This picture was taken with my new i-phone BTW... LOVE IT!

Something else I really wanted but again, it was out of our budget, was the return address embosser. How cool is this?!? Another problem with the embosser is that technically the wedding invitations would be coming from my parents so it would need to be their address on the embosser. Maybe someday, I will buy an embosser just to have it....