
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Save. The. Date.

Save the Dates are in the mail! They have been stamped, stuffed, sealed, labeled, and dropped in the out-going mailbox at our apartment complex. Hopefully, they arrive safe and sound at all of their chosen destinations sometime this week!!

It was definitely nice to check this task off of the list, but I must confess that as I was dropping the envelopes in the mail, my heart did a little flutter and my stomach did a minor flip. This wedding is happening! Ahhh! Don't get me wrong, I love Tyler and there is nothing I want more in the world than to marry him. But there are still times when I feel like I am 12 years old and marriage seems like something far out of the grasp of my little 12 year old fingers. However, I am not 12. I will be 24 next month and a husband is coming my way this September ready or not. (99.9% ready!)

So, Sunday night my coffee table was cleared off of all the normal junk and turned into Save the Date central. I worked on assembling them as Tyler and I watched Country Strong. Tyler even came over to the couch to help out for a minute!

Be on the lookout for a Save the Date coming your way! And if you don't have one coming your way, I'm sorry. Guest lists are really hard. Don't take it personally. We really did want to invite you but we are limited on numbers. I'm sure you understand this if you have ever planned a wedding! I promise we like you!

1 comment:

  1. Ours is now proudly displayed on our fridge. Right by the handle, so we see it every time we open the door. We both got ridiculously excited when it came. We're so happy for you and Tyler and so so so happy to be a part of your big day! We love you guys!
