
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Two months to go...

I can't believe there are only two months left until the wedding... Crazy! I apologize that I have been doing a terrible job updating the blog and keeping you in the loop of the wedding planning process, but I have been busy. Since my last post, I've had two amazing showers, gone on a trip to Savannah/Tybee Island, printed, assembled, and mailed invitations, purchased several wedding accessories, met with the music director at the church, and gotten a new job!! So, I have been busy, but a very good busy!!

Here are some pics of my (our) adventures....

Three of the pictures above are from my shower in Elberton and the one of the cake is from the Around the House shower in Atlanta. Leslie's mom made the cake- AMAZING!

We had SO much fun in Savannah and then in Tybee Island with Tyler's family. It was such a nice way to celebrate the 4th of July! And no, we didn't actually visit the Savannah Wedding Chapel...We just thought it would be a funny prank for our parents!

A big task that was completed over the past few weeks was sending out the invitations. They were designed by Leslie and she did a fantastic job!

The flowers were a gift from Tyler to celebrate my new job! I start August 1st and am soo excited, but this also means that the next two months will be extra busy!

I actually got some wedding projects done this weekend. Ran some errands, made some purchases, and did a little crafting!!

Our unity candle set!! I plan on keeping the center candle as decor in our house :)
Liquid chalk!! So much easier to write with and doesn't make a mess! This could be making an appearance at the reception :) I painted the wooden border black to make it look a little nicer.

This is another project that is in the works.... But you will have to wait to find out what it is going to be used for...

That is all for now! Another post to come soon :)