
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ta da!

Now that the save the dates have been sent out and received by our guests, I can reveal the amazing creation of my very talented bridesmaid, Leslie. She is actually also designing the invitations and possibly the rehearsal dinner invites. So get excited. She is the best!

The stationary process began with a brainstorming session where Leslie and I went through several popular stationary websites and picked out styles that we really liked or ones that were way off from what I had envisioned to put in the "No" pile. Here are some of our favorite sites that we used:

From there, Leslie took those examples and started creating mock ups. I decided that I liked save the dates made up of only one pictures as opposed to a college of several different shots. This worked perfectly with our plan of printing the stationary through a photo lab to save money. Instead of ordering prints from a website or taking Leslie's design to kinkos to be printed, we decided to that printing the save the dates as a 4x6 photo would be cheaper. And it definitely was!

Most websites charge $1.09 per save the date card on the low end which doesn't include postage or labels. We were able to print the Save the Dates for $0.19 a piece and then buy generic envelopes from Staples, use our return address stamp, and print our own sticker labels for pretty cheap. The most costly part of the whole process was the postage. Adding up all of the cost, we were able to keep the total cost wayyyy under what it would of been using a traditional stationary website. Yay us!!

So, what was the end result? Drum roll please......

Beautiful!! Many, many thanks to Leslie for all of her hard work. Can't wait to share the invitations in a few months!

On another note, we got our first wedding present a few weeks ago. For my birthday, my parents decided they wanted to give us our first place setting of our fine china. I was so excited! It is so pretty and it really just opened my eyes to realize that this wedding is happening. Crazy! Can't wait for all of the festivities to unfold. Many thanks to everyone helping and involved!